
Pohlenkean does two things very, very well . . .

1. We provide human resource management to SMEs (small - medium enterprises)
You have your own on call / on task professional human resource manager at a fraction the cost of a full time salary.

2. We provide training in a range of human resource management functions under the Corporate Tough LOVE© banner.

We will help you get the best for what you spend in salaries and wages and you won’t have to second guess your choices anymore. Our expert team will help you make proper decisions regarding your staff and manage them in the correct way so that you don’t have any issues.

We believe -
  1. People go to work to succeed
  2. Employers have a right to expect people will do what they require
  3. Employees have a right to know what is required
Our main aim is to create the “employment experience” for people so that they enjoy the work they do. In this “employment experience”, our criteria is to make people experience their work in a manner where they feel respected and supported. This will boost their self-esteem and confidence and thus they will make decisions that will benefit the entire community.

If people experience their work in a way that undermines and isolates them, they develop resentment and anger that is often manifest in abuse to people and property and all too often in violence. Their negativity often infects those around them and sadly, we see the damage in our crime statistics.

We offer human resource management services to small as well as medium enterprises at a very cheap cost. Our services cost much less in comparison to the others that provide the same service. With the help of a professional HR manager, you will get expert-level guidance and advice without paying a fortune. The training programs we offer cover a variety of HR functions, allowing you to make informed decisions that are best for your team. You won’t ever have to second-guess. We are well aware of the challenges faced by companies when it comes to managing their human resources. This is why we provide tailored solutions that take care of your particular requirements and goals.

The team at Pohlenkean focuses on more than just providing cost-effective solutions when it comes to Human Resource Management. We focus on creating a positive work environment where all the workers flourish. The extensive approach we utilise prioritises promoting mutual respect, consistent support, and effective and concise communication. We first understand the different dynamics of your team and tailor our services accordingly so that it meets your specific requirements and goals. The training we provide is not just limited to the basic HR functions because they will empower the team of a business with ideal skills for personal as well as professional growth.

We see too many employers accept poor performance and negative behaviour. This damages organizations and other good people. Our speciality is in helping you become more effective in achieving high performance and full accountability from staff, in a work environment that is fun and empowering. One of the best small business success stories that we share with all of our future clients is about Bond Cleaning Sydney an end of lease cleaning company in Sydney. They were suffering from low quality staff which results in poor performance during their cleaning work in Sydney and in return ends up as a bad name for the company. Now, Bond Cleaning Sydney is one of the biggest end of lease cleaners in Sydney and surrounding suburbs and help hundreds of people every month with their bond return.

Our clients actively work to create a positive work environment for themselves and their staff. On occasion we meet situations where employees repeatedly breach their commitment to work productively and positively. We work with you to manage up or manage out. At all times we undertake good faith and transparent practices that maintain the dignity of the individual and respect of colleagues.

Our Patrons

Commercial Real Estate Sydney, New South Wales
Business for sale Sydney, NSW